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Statement regarding change of ownership

Dear all

We are delighted to announce the change of ownership of Partners in Health to G DOC LTD as of 1st August 2022.

Over recent years Partners in Health have seen a number of GP Partners retire or leave the role of GP Partner, going from 7 to just 2 GP Partners. We have attempted over recent years to attract new GP Partners however this has proved extremely difficult. Fewer and fewer GP’s are willing to take on the burden of practice ownership and management for a variety of different reasons and due to this national trend, we are seeing more and more GP surgeries closing, merging or being taken over by other organisations.

In order to protect the sustainability of the practice, services for the 12,400 patients it serves and the jobs of those employed; we have over recent years explored the options of merging with another practice and a change of ownership of the practice. Prior to the sale of Partners in Health to G DOC LTD we have worked closely with Gloucester Health Access Centre as part of the Gloucester Inner City Primary Care Network. GHAC is also owned and operated by G DOC LTD. The Gloucester Inner City Primary Care Network is comprised of GHAC, Kingsholm Surgery, Partners in Health and Severnside Medical Practice. Together we provide resources and services to a combined population of over 33,000 patients. Working together makes us more sustainable and able to provide more innovative services to patients. It goes without saying that joining the G DOC LTD family was in the best interests of our practice and our patient population given we already work with them closely and our patients already benefit from that collaboration. Joining G DOC LTD allows us to further build on this work for the benefit of all.

G DOC LTD is a GP Provider Company for Gloucestershire. It was formed by a group of Gloucestershire GPs in 2012 to bring additional services into the county, to support patients and GPs. All Gloucestershire GP practices are shareholders and many GPs sit on the board of Directors. Importantly, G DOC is a non-profit making organisation that aims to strengthen primary care and general practice by delivering safe, high quality and innovative care. G DOC also helps support other local NHS services to remain safe, sustainable, responsive to local needs. Patients will always be at the heart of G DOC and patient voices are used to help deliver compassionate, patient-centred, healthcare.

G DOC registered offices are: G DOC LTD, Quayside House, Quay Street, Gloucester GL1 1PX.
Registered in England and Wales, CRN 08230041.
More can be found on the website

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the ICB for their support, the G DOC LTD team for their dedication to make this happen and welcoming us into their organisation; and to the entire team here at Partners in Health who have continued to work tirelessly through a complex and challenging transitional period. We look forward to growing in strength and future proofing the practice in service of our patient population.