Patient Participation Group
The purpose of the Patient Participation Group is to involve patients in decisions about the range and quality of services provided and, over time, commissioned by the practice.
Overall, the aim is to promote the proactive engagement of patients through the use of effective patient reference groups and to seek views from practice patients through the use of a local practice survey.
The members of this practice’s PPG also act as the Patient Reference Group (PRG), whose task is both to reflect and gain views of the practice’s registered patients. This practice has a diverse patient population with patients of different ages and a wide variety of different needs.
The PRG members comprise of the following groups:
- Male
- Female
- Employed
- Unemployed
- Retired
However, to be truly representative we would also welcome more volunteers (as detailed in the PPG posters in both our clinics, and e mails sent to those patients who agreed to this service), particularly from any underrepresented groups.
A Message From One Of Our Members
“I am glad to be a member of the patient participation group. It means that I get information about what is happening in the practice, in other local practices, and in the NHS in Gloucester. We are also able to give feedback on how well we feel the practice is meeting our needs as patients.
For many reasons, the National Health Service is stretched at present, too little money, too few doctors and other professionals, and just as many patients! This means that things have to change. As members of the PPG, we hear of changes in the practice before they take place, but we also have some input on how the challenges are being met, and, sometimes, we’re able to suggest improvements.
We were excited to learn that our practice is working with others in the locality to share some facilities, bringing new and improved services to us, the patients.
The group meets every couple of months, so it isn’t a huge commitment. There is always room for more members, why not give it a go?”
If you would like to become involved, please complete our Patient Participation Group Registration.
Partners In Health PPG/PRG Terms Of Reference
This PPG will:
- Contribute to practice decision making and consult on service development and provision.
- Provide feedback on patients’ needs, concerns and interests and challenge the practice constructively whenever necessary.
- Serve as a ‘safety valve’ for dealing with grumbles and complaints about the practice, representing patients but also helping them to understand the practice’s viewpoint.
- Assist the practice and its patients by arranging voluntary groups/support within the community.
- Communicate information about the community which may affect healthcare.
- Give patients a voice in the organisation of their care.
- Promote good health and higher levels of health literacy by encouraging and supporting activities within the practice and promoting preventive medicine.
- Influence the provision of secondary healthcare and social care locally.
- Monitor services, eg hospital discharge and support when back in the community.
- Liaise with other PPGs in the area, where appropriate.
- Be as representative of the patient population as possible.
Ground Rules
- This meeting is not a forum for individual complaints and single issues.
- We advocate open and honest communication and challenge between individuals.
- We will be flexible, listen, ask for help and support each other.
- We will demonstrate a commitment to delivering results, as a group.
- Silence indicates agreement, speak up, but always go through the chair.
- All views are valid and will be listened to.
- No phones or other disruptions.
- We will start and finish on time and stick to the agenda.