
How do I order my prescription?

Please allow up to 5 working days. This may change due to increased pressures on our services.

Medication Reviews

Patients on repeat medication will be asked to consult with a pharmacist, a doctor or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications. The notification date should appear on your repeat slip.

Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions. If you have been advised by the surgery that your medication review is due, you will need to fill out our Medication Review Form.

Medications not ordered within 6 moths of last issue will not be authorised (unless seasonal) without a review with a GP.

Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)

The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) is a NHS service that allows us to send your prescription(s) directly to your chosen pharmacy. This paper-free prescription service means that you do not have to come into the surgery to collect your prescription.

We encourage all patients to register for this free service. You can register for electronic prescribing by completing our EPS registration Form.

Prescription fees

View the cost of prescriptions and whether you are entitled to free prescriptions by visiting the NHS website: