Community Midwives
Community midwives provide antenatal and postnatal care for all mothers and new born babies. Clinics are by appointment only. Please call 01452 385 555.
There is a drop in midwives clinic at the Lighthouse Centre next to Linden Primary School on Mondays from 11am to 1pm. Please call 01452 872290. You do not need to make an appointment.
Community Nurses
Community nurses provide nursing care, teaching, advice and support to patients in their own home. This service is managed centrally; to contact the Gloucester community nursing service please call 0300 421 6071. This line is operational between the hours of 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.
To contact the community nursing service outside these hours and on bank holidays, please call 0300 421 0555.
Health Visitors
Health visitors work to promote health within the community in all age groups, in particular families with children under 5 years of age. They can give information and advice on varied health topics, offer help, support and counselling about family and personal concerns, and work with you to keep you and your family healthy.
Pavilion Family Doctors health visitor can be contacted on 01452 529 408. Clinics are held at the Light House Children’s Centre.
St James Family Doctors health visitor can be contacted on 01452 891 408. Clinics are held at Quedgeley Health Centre.